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Attention: Most Americans Gain 7-10 lbs from Thanksgiving to New Years…
Are You Ready To Finally Get Ahead Of Your New Year’s Resolution And Start Losing Weight NOW? You Can Lose Fat, Drop Inches, Survive The Holidays Stress Free, And Start 2019 Off On The Right Foot…
The Finish Strong Program is the answer to all of your problems. Stop worrying about starting your fat loss program in a few months and get started now!
Hi, my name is Antonio, and I have seen hundreds of people in my life struggle through the holiday season each year. They gain weight, are stressed, and feel terrible about themselves during a time of year where they should be celebrating with family and enjoying time with the ones they love.
I have had enough of it, and that is why I created the Finish Strong Program. You see, I am tired of watching people waste valuable time and energy stressing out through the holiday season only to end up hoping to make a change in January. Most people will actually gain 7-10 lbs from now until the start of 2019. If you are planning on starting a fat loss or weight loss goal on January 1 like many other people, that means that you just made your job that much harder. Why fall behind now only to struggle to get back to where you started instead of getting ahead and staying ahead?
At POUND 4 POUND BOXING, we are here to help you get ahead of the weight gain and actually help you make incredible progress during the most stressful time of year. This isn’t just about not gaining 7-10 lbs. I am telling you that you can LOSE 7-10 lbs maybe even more. That is a 20 lbs difference for most people! If you can avoid gaining the typical 7-10 lbs and also LOSE 7-10 lbs of ugly, unwanted fat during this time, how much better will you feel about yourself when you have survived the crazy holiday season and are ready to start 2019? This could mean the difference between you reaching all your fitness goals in the next year or you struggling month after month to lose those 10 lbs you gained—AGAIN—during the holidays.
How many holiday seasons have you spent putting yourself behind the 8-ball and adding extra padding around your midsection only to hope and pray to lose it come January 1st? How has that been working for you? If you are like most people, it has been a never-ending battle with fat. You lose some weight, then you gain some weight. You plan to start your fat loss program in a few days, weeks, or months when things slow down. If that sounds a lot like your fitness journey, then we have a great program for you. Our Finish Strong program is a 21-day program that will have you feeling great, living stress free, and weighing in 7-10 lbs lighter. Over the course of 21 days, you will take part in our simple but effective training program that get you the best results possible. Just three workouts per week can help you drop fat faster than you thought possible, especially when you combine them with our Rapid Fat Loss nutrition plan that will help you be able to enjoy the holidays and eat delicious foods—guilt-free! The days of boring treadmill or cardio workouts and starving yourself to lose weight are over! Finally, you can be free of countless hours of useless exercise and diets. Three workouts per week and a simple-to-follow nutrition plan. That is all it takes to get amazing results! On top of those workouts, you now have a support system behind you making sure that you are doing everything possible to get the best results. Our coaches and team will be holding you accountable during these 21 days to make sure you attend your training sessions and are following your nutrition plan. How will you feel when you look in the mirror at a brand new person after just 21 days? What will be it like when you are fitting into your jeans during Christmas dinner while everyone else has to pull out the elastic waist band pants because they “gained a few pounds” during the holidays? Stop being a statistic and start taking charge of your results. All you have to do is take part in our Finish Strong program and let us help you drop 7-10 lbs in just 21 days by following our workouts and nutrition.
Our Finish Strong program will start December 1st 2018.
In our Finish Strong Program, you will discover:
How to eat during the holidays to lose fat instead of gain it
That enjoying your favorite treats and losing weight is still possible
How to save time and energy by getting great results in just 3 short workouts per week
How to reduce stress and make the holidays enjoyable again
3 45 minuet Pad-Work Sessions
And Much, Much More!
For ONLY $99 NON- MEMBERS $79 MEMBERS, you can be 7-10 lbs lighter at the end of the holiday season!
The Finish Strong Program begins on DECEMBER 1ST 2018, and we have a limited number of spots available in the program. Make sure to claim your spot today by OR
TEXT P4PBOXING TO 832-662-6697.